• Professional & Reliable
    Document Scanning,
    Management & Storage
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  • Does Your Data
    Management Process
    Still Rely On Paper Files?
    We Can Help
  • We Transform Large
    Volumes of Paper
    Into Searchable Data Files
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Update And Simplify Your Data Storage And Retrieval Process to Save Time And Money

Grand Rapids Document Scanning

Is your business losing the battle with paper? Despite our reliance on computers, paper files continue to cause issues for many businesses. Fortunately, we have the answer — secure and searchable document scanning.

GrandScan offers businesses a better solution for managing and accessing information contained in paper files. Our turnkey service converts paper documents to digital images with a searchable text layer. This unique service puts all of your info just a mouse click away, without the organizing, filing and storage issues that plague businesses still relying on paper files.

Our free search software keeps your data secure and easy to find when you need it. From document preparation and high speed scanning to large format scanning, indexing, GrandScan’s affordable solution offers many benefits — saving space and reducing risk while providing you with easy access to your information whenever you need it.

We specialize in managing files for a wide variety of industries, including human resources, real estate, legal, healthcare and government. If it’s time to unclutter your office and improve your information retrieval process, let us customize a solution for your business.

For more information about document scanning from the experts at GrandScan, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.608.7477.